The Mystic Sanctuary Archetype
(this was written during the preerrata Companion era)
One of the main reasons why cards are often
misevaluated in terms of powerlevel is their rarity. A recent example is probably
Fiend Artisan, that was praised as the new Tarmogoyf. However, although the
card is now seeing play in a few Pioneer decks (albeit only because of Lurrus),
the card did not come trough yet into Modern and is very far from being significant
in Legacy. I think, that if the card had been released as a Rare, the hype
would not have been that big.
In recent Magic sets, the powerlevel has
been increased pretty drastically. This powercreep is obviously visible in the
Rares and Mythics Rares. Of course, Oko, Thief of Crowns,
Once upon a Time, Uro, etc. are all busted cards, but there are also Rares like
Cubwarden that are not particularly more powerful that say Leonin Warleader. However,
most printed Commons and Uncommons are just strictily better these days.
Peasant cube owners have probably noticed that they get a huge influx of new
and powerful cards each set. Cards like Syr Konrad, the Grim are just ridiculously strong
and could easily be Rares. Another example is Excavation Mole which is the
first common 3/3 in green (for two generic mana and a green) that has a really
great upside. In the previous set, we have seen the first creature of this kind
without any (situational) downside (like Invasive Species), namely Hyrax Tower Scout.
But one of the most outrageous commons in the recent sets must be Mystic
Santuary, a card that has shaped the whole Modern format and is also seeing
play in Legacy and Vintage. But why is this card so powerful and why I am going
to dedicate a whole article to a whole new deck archetype that becomes
available with it in cube?
The first question is easy to answer. Mytic
Santuary has one fundamental design mistake: It is an Island. If
it was not an Island, it would not be played in any format. Being an Island
means that it is fetchable by the standard Fetchlands but also by two of the
slow fetches (Bad River and Flood Plain). In addition, there are neat little
synergies with cards that require Islands in play, like Checklands (if you play
those) or Veldaken Shackles. There are even more convenient and powerful synergies
in cards like Daze and Gush which bring Sanctuary back to your hand and create
a loop.
But we did not even come close to what
Mystic Sanctuary is capable of. One of the most important cards that go with Mystic
Sanctuary has to be Cryptic Command. These two cards in conjunction let you
counter one spell per turn cycle or let you tap all your opponent’s creatures
during each opponent’s turn, thus making you invincible to combat damage. The
last busted synergy are Miracles, that can be turned (or recycled) by the Sanctuary
by placing them exactly on top of your deck. There are unfortunately only three Miracles that I would consider powerful enough to be played in Cube, namely Bonefire of the Damned, Entreat the Angels and Terminus. Especially latter is a powerful (but slow)
board wipe on its own in cube. Generally, I love Miracles, even if there is no support at all (not a lot of scry effects, Brainstorm, etc.). The main objective of my cube is assembling sweet synergies and having swingy gameplay. I love seeing miracles topdecked when there was not hope left. So does my playgroup. But Miracles are even better if they have proper support.
You might wonder now, how we are going to construct
and entire archetype out of these cards? One card does not change that much. By now, it seems that we were just
good to go, by just playing an Azorious Control deck with Miracles and a Cryptic Command if we get one.
A few cards do not build an archetype on their own. We need a little bit more
support. We really want to abuse Mystic Sanctuary to its fullest, thus we must
be able to have it consistently. Of course, there is already enough tutoring
possible for it in the form of fetch lands, but those are getting picked up
very early and getting two blue fetchlands is very rare.
Fortunately for me, I already run Wren and
Six in my Cube with an elaborate Land matters theme. I always liked Wren and
Six, but most of the time, I was a little bit disappointed with it. Not in the way, you
might think; it was always a very powerful card on its own pinning down X/1s
and especially rebuying Fetchlands, which is a great card advantage engine in any midrange Rock, Jund or Temur deck. The card
really shines with the Horizon Lands and Wasteland (I don’t play Strip mine). Although I have all of these lands in my cube, it still seemed like the maximum potential of the card had not been achieved yet. Therefore,
I added the Onslaught Cycling Lands (the ones that cycle for 1 Mana of their
respective mana producing colour) and the Amonkhet Cycling Lands (cycle for 2
generic Mana).
I must say, that I am
really impressed with these lands. The Onslaught ones are great in control and
midrange decks and I love that the Amonkhet Cycling lands have basic lands types which makes them fetchable and also make the necessary fixing in a deck with Sanctuary possible. Together with Life from the Loam, Ramunap
Excavator and Crucible of Worlds, we have enough payoffs for a Land matters
deck. But I thought that the deck needed even more support. I included cards like Expedition
Map, Crop Rotation and Sylvan Scrying to increase the consistency of the Land
Matters deck to search for important pieces like a Horizon Land. With more land tutors, I also
included more unique and powerful lands, like Karakas, Shelldock Isle and Maze
of Ith (I would also love to own a Gaes Cradle). The influence of these lands on the average decks in my cube seemed really healthy; the land tutors were not only played in the lands
deck. For example, a Bant Blink deck picked up an Expedition Map to tutor for Karakas to bounce their Venser
or Vendillion Clique all over again. There are not many Legendary creatures in
cube with a powerful ETB ability so I was pretty amazed to see Karakas seeing
play not only as a disruptive card. Another sweet deck was a Gruul Wildfire
deck that played Fires of Invention and huge beaters like Inferno Titan, Glory Bringer, etc. It played Sylvan Scrying to
tutor up Blast Zone and Raging Ravine, which are both really good with Fires of
Back to the present. With those additional land
tutors, there are even more ways to get to Mystic Sanctuary and one does not have
to solely rely on Fetch lands. The main plan of the Mystic Sanctuary deck is to
recycle a powerful Instant and Sorcery or enable a Miracle. The base color for it is
obviously Blue, which is the main downside of Sanctuary: It is meant to be
played in a Mono Blue deck. Luckily we can work around that in cube. We have Duallands,
Shocklands and also the Amonkhet Cycling Lands that easily support a two color
Mystic Sanctuary deck, that is base Blue and can splash for another
color, while providing enough Islands. What are these colors? I think that the two main secondary colors are Green and White/Red. Green provides the Land tutors like previously mentioned (Farseek is
another great one). In addition, we get all the broken Simic cards
that were released in the last few sets like Icefang Coatl, Growth Spiral, Uro,
etc. that go really well with the Control strategy of the deck (I should mention that all the basics in my cube are snow basics). Once
upon a time is also great in the deck, even if not cast for zero and it even digs
for Mystic Sanctuary. A pure Simic Sanctuary deck would play out like a UG control deck.
Generally, I could never really make a balanced Simic Flash deck work as there
are not enough green cards that I wanted in the deck. As a result, the Simic
Flash decks drafted in my cube were always very light on green anyway and are
thus very similar to what I describe here. What are the Instant and Sorceries
that work well in these decks? Of course, we want Counterspells, preferably the
most powerful and versatile ones: Mystic Confluence, Archmage’s Charm and of
course Cryptic Command. These cards are all busted in Control decks but all
require being heavy blue. How convenient, we want to play a lot of Islands anyway.
The basics of cube like Preordain and its friends are of course also great in
the deck. One card that really stood out is Wilderness Reclamation, a card that
I always had in my cube but never really saw any play. It is perfect in this
deck. Another deck that popped up ones while testing was a Simic taking-turns-deck. It was not
that powerful as I only include two extra turn spells in my cube (Time Warp and
Nexus of Fate) but rebuying a Time Warp once is really powerful, especially if
one has multiple planeswalker on the battlefield. The drafter also managed to
do the typical Reclamation plus Nexus of Fate “combo” (I should not that Nexus
is a nombo with Mystic Santuary itself though).
The second option is a UW control deck that
includes Miracles. Having the option to tutor consistently for Mystic Sanctuary
and rebuying or enabling a Entreat the Angles or Terminus (again) is gamewinning because Miracles are busted. The deck becomes much more consistent with the simple inclusion of one
Expedition Map and Sanctuary. Cards like Brainstorm are viable as one has a lot of shuffling effects
and of course it works great with the Miracles themselves. If one really wants
to increase the powerlevel, one can play Mystical Tutor which can obviously enable
your Miracles by itself, but it can also search up a Cryptic Command,
Confluence, etc. I could also see a Bant control deck being viable where one
splashes green for the land tutors and Wilderness Reclamation and plays white for the Miracle cards. I
have not tested this yet, but maybe the mana works fine.
I understand, that the emphasis on Mystic
Sanctuary seems kinda odd as this just sounds like a Ux control deck. But the possibility
of having access to any Instant or Sorcery in your graveyard at any time seemed really
powerful during testing. I love me some Abzan toolbox decks with Chord of Calling, Green Sun’s
Zenith, etc. These Ux Sanctuary decks play like "control toolbox" decks. They felt different. I have a silverbullet for any situation. This is the
current state of my cube, however we are not even finished yet as I want to explain
how I want to support these Sanctuary strategies even more.
The one-time activation of Mystic Sanctuary
is powerful, but it becomes really broken if we are able to use it multiple
times. Of course, Cryptic Command does that. Other cards that do that and are fine
cube cards on their own are Meloku the Clouded Mirror and general Bounce Lands,
that I will probably test. Another way to recycle Mystic Sanctuary over and over
again is to recur it from the graveyard. This requires a sac engine for lands.
On possibility is Zuran Orb which is not really a card that seems powerful
enough. However, I will probably test it, as it seems kinda sweet (but very
risky) with Heliod, Spike Feeder and Archangel of Thune, that I added for the
Persist combo recently. It also enables going nuts with Mayhem Devil. One sac
engine that is actually good is Elvish Reclaimer. 2 Mana to put Sanctuary in my
graveyard to replay it via Excavator or Crucible of Worlds and getting whatever
land I like from my deck? Yes please. Not even mentioning that the Reclaimer
can fetch up Sanctuary as well. The deck will probably be Simic, but I can see
splashing red for Wren and Six to be worth it. What would be really benefical
for this deck is the Temur Tricycle land (am I allowed to say tricycle land?)
as it is an island.
Further ideas:
As always with a new cube idea, I go crazy
after a few hours of looking into new possible cards and I went a little bit
crazy with this one: If we also include a whole land package, we can also play
Dark Depths, I card that I love and want to play. I do not care how good it is.
There are mainly four ways to enable Dark Depths: Thespian Stage, Vampire
Hexmage, Solemnity and Mirage Mirror. I consider two of those good, namely
Thespian Stage and Solemnity. The first is fetchable with all the land tutors and
being able to copy a Maze of Ith is sweet. Solemnity is interesting for the
persist combo deck, that will get pushed even more with the almighty Mothra.
Vampire Hexmage is probably fine in a heavy black deck as it can deal with planeswalkers.
Mirage mirror is a card that I can’t really evaluate. These are the four ways
to enable Dark Depths, or are they? There is another one that slipped under my
radar for Ikoria, namely Crystalline Resonance. This card requires a cycling theme,
which we are not far from. We have the Onslaugh Cycling lands, the Amonkhet and
Ikoria ones. Tossing a few more cycling cards in the cube will not be hard, especially
because they make gameplay better anyway. Obviously, we need a dedicated Enchantment
matters theme now. Abundant Growth and Unbridled Growth provide cheap
enchantments that even make Dark Depths tap for mana (combo). Most cycling
payoffs are enchantments anyway and the two best ones are probably Astral Drift
(which is playable on its own, without a cycling theme) and Astral Slide. These
enchantments are good at blinking and the blink archetype is generally one,
that gets more support with every set. Yorion would be a house in such a deck,
blinking a lot of enchantments and then drawing from multiple triggers of
enchantresses. Of course, this is not functional. It is just an example on how
I think through these things. I do not think, that Crystalline Resonance will
be included in my cube soon. However, I like the idea of having more
interesting lands in my cube, like Dark Depths. I already like the land enchantments
in my cube. Especially ones like Wild Growth, Fertile grounds, etc. One could
also then include Lotus field, to enable Lotus Storm with untap effect like
Frantic Search, Kiora’s Follower and Vizier of Tumbling Sands (that is a cycling
card, so maybe I am onto something with Crystalline Resonance? Copy Lotus
Field?). Even ‘’just’’ ramping with it seems decent for turn 4 Ugins, Karns, etc.
It would also go well with the bouncelands, which as previously mentioned, go
very well with the Sanctuary plan. With the newly announced boltlands from Zendikar Rising, there is another incentive to consider bouncelands.
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